Saturday, 7 May 2011

Pre-need Tomb (生基风水)

Its comes with numerous blessings for all

Pre-need Tomb
In the ancient Chinese utilihzed the concept of  "pre-need Tomb" to change their pre-destined fare and fortune.

What is Pre-need Tomb?
Pre-need Tomb is literally means "the foundation of life" which the people erect their grace tomb in advance while they still alive. Pre-need Tomb reversed hapless lot into prosperous fate by blending the energy of 5-element and characters related to one's date of birth and the geographical magnetic force with one's meritorious deeds.

In Chinese, Pre-need Tomb is also called "Sheng Ji"

Benefits of Pre-need Tomb Erection
The customs live on today and Chinese in Malaysia are fond of making use of principle of Sheng Ji to help evoke blessings of achievements, longevity, and prosperity upon themselves and the families. The whole idea is by erecting pre-need tomb, one's bad destiny is reversed and be turned into a prosperous one.
  • Abundant blessing to health and longevity
  • Bring luck and fortunes in career and family 
  • Wealth and prosperity to next generations

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